Caguén tó lo que se menea. La primera en la frente. First one in the forehead. Arrive to Helsinki. The plane to Bombay is delayed, very delayed. They take us to the hotel for nigth. The plane appears late. They wake up everybody, except me. Plane leaves and me sleeping. Reception calls at 4.00 am to tell that plane left. I cry. Next morning the give me place for today but my lugagge has disappear. One says "your lugagge is here; other "in Madrid"; other "In Bombay". No hay quien se aclare. They send me back to a spuerlux hotel where they always serve shirmps. Shrimps for breakfast. Shirmps for lunch. Shirmps for dinner. I go to city to clear my mind. Total result: near North Pole with my indian summer clothes in a frosty, icy, chilly, busy, nice and dark dark grey city where there are not africans, art, noise and motobykes and where people skate in big frozen fountains, walk fast, drive slow and sell shirmps and white bear skins. Tela marinera
2 comentarios:
por fin he conmseguido conectar co tu blogs el otro dia te mande los datos de la disposicion comunitaria, dime si los has recibido.por aqui todos bien.
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