From cold to hot. From order to kaos. That is how I left Helsinki and reached Bombay. Enormous, giantesque, poliglota and covered with a thick, red and steady champignon of pollution In fact dcotors say that breathing its air is like smoking a daily packet of cigarrettes) Bombay is not a single city, but many: Bandra, Colaba, Santacruz, Andery and about 20 more districts showing its colours and contrast. Blue crystal skyscrapes, brownbrick victorian buildings facing wide seas of grey basti, favelas, slums, chabolas spreading throughout the landscape. 20 million?, 30 million? Nobody can know how many are living here but everyday 2000 newcomers knock at its invisible walls, plant their old blankets in the first unfinished walkside, in the dangerous slopes of the hills and take possesion of its brand new urban dream. And that is how this city will became in the netx few years to come, the biggest and probably the most kaotic of the world.

2 comentarios:
Interesante comienzo. Quizás un hotel de superlux no era la mejor forma de mentalizarse para un viaje a la India auténtica. Por lo menos la hinchada a gambas te vendrá bien como reserva energética para dias de hambruna.
Cuando puedas sube alguna foto a divshare para hacer una carátula.
Keep in touch.
Y tal y como estaba pactado, aqui me tienes escribiendo porque me he acordado de ti....
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