Compared with Majaraha's lifestyle, Western Kings were a simple middle class burgueses. I have visited many palaces in the world: Alhambra in Granada, Versalles, Windsor Castle, Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg, Kremlin and some others, but nothing like the Majarahas of India. Marble and red granite recepcion hall able to held 3000 invitees; 10 m. high crystal doomed ballroom with blue lotus columns around; wooden, silver and golden carved doors; forniture from France; 30 m. galleries with big wall mirrors from England; lamps from Venice transported crystal by crystal and assambled here. Ivory. Diamons and golden thrones. Pearls. Esmeraldas and gems that use for weigth like vegetables. Backyards and stables for armies of elephants, pureblood horses, camels and buffalos. Private game reserves as big as Belgium. 5 stories temples. Pavillions. Thousands of servants, secretaries, assistants and guards. Inmaculate harems and whatever the word luxury could mean. And all that coming from the work of their millions of vassals working on their lands delivering 3/4 of the harvest in exhange of the protection?? of his Lord and just to keep a house of mud and the small amount of rice for living. An old Asian injustice.

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