miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008
The end

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008
Elephant Hotel
At Guruvayur (Kerala) 3 stars hotel. 64 single rooms for elephants. With toilet and running water. Some with roof and some not. All booked por the next three years.
sábado, 29 de marzo de 2008
Las fiestas del pueblo
No farta de na en las fiestas de Attaly (Northern Kerala): charangas, comparsas, orquestas, gigantes y cabezudos. Atencion: 3 mnts video, pls see & listen
martes, 25 de marzo de 2008
domingo, 23 de marzo de 2008
jueves, 20 de marzo de 2008
Urban India
I've tried but I can not. Indian megacities (with more that 10 million people and all of them in the streets) are too strong for me, and everytime I come in (Mumbay, Chennay, Hyderabad...) I can not stand more than two o three days of this torture: hot, crowds, pollution, noise, traffic jams over and over... and then, more crowds, more hot, more pollution and more noise and I have to go away. In the video, any city, at anytime during the day, in any corner or any street. So It is time to see my elephants again....
martes, 18 de marzo de 2008
Rural India
Is seems that Indian rulers have not forgotten rural areas (just opossite to China which does not care about their peassants) and after visiting 5 states in the south I have seen in most villages, electrity, running water, draining system, public ilumination, brick and toiled houses, dispensaries and well fournished schools with all pupils wearing uniforms and shoes. India advances. In the video you'll see a market that could take place in any village of the south.
domingo, 16 de marzo de 2008
The King and the Vission

In a cloudy day, october, 760 AC King Krishna I Rashtrakaputa, leading an army of 3000 armed elephants and 45.000 soldiers, stood before a granate hill in Ellora and shouted: !I have seen it in my dreams: inside this mountain is our palace! But the palace was not there and the King made it to carv. And we can see it still here: brought up from the pure rock; twice bigger and higher than Parthenon in Athens: Sourrounded by long galleries, sculpted, painted and carved: with two stupas and one temple: and Hall of Columns and Audicences with open windows to the plains. Inmense. Is worth to visit Kailasa.
viernes, 14 de marzo de 2008
Impressive Ajanta
500 kms north of Hyderabar, hanging over a river's horseshoe cliffs for more than a millenium, is Ajanta, a hidden place were boudisth monks and shadus came for praying, painting, scuplting and carving. Something courious: If inside the caves (monasteries in fact) yo say Ommm o Ummm, there is echo, a tin echo, for the rest, no echo at all.

jueves, 13 de marzo de 2008
Black eyes everywhere
martes, 11 de marzo de 2008
In Bollywood
An old and ruined fortress (here is Golkonda Fort, not very far from Hyderabar), a hero saving a kute little princess (she is Pegma, 18, from Bangalore in her road to Oscars), a bunch of brave warriors always defending them and a group of sweety dancers flippin with amour and peace. And that's all. You got your film. There are thousands like that in movees and TV.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2008
sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008
The Nizam of Hyderabar
The reason it make come here is that, in his films and writtings, Woody Allen always compares to someone who is wealth and powerful with the Nizam of Hyderabad. So I was courious and came. For nothing, because the only things left from the named Nizam and his great court of wise, rich and conquerors is just dust, fruit markets, burkas, hot, and millions of people going up and down and after the visit I think that W.A. has never been here, and me I should not either.. also bcs I was attacked by....

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2008
With 16 oficial languages and more the 10 different alphabets (here 4 examples of news papers in tamil, mallayan, telegu and mahatri)... en este pais no hay Khrisna que se aclare!!!! Optimist say that english is the common language but here, there are five hundred million people (500.000.000!!!!) who only know two words in english: "sorry" and "number", therefore... Babel

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2008
Friends on the rock
After a few days in Mamallapuran, (norther of Tamil Nadu) left behind some good friends, like Abdul a good and fast chess player (final result of our challenge: 5-5); or Naseer and his interesting and well priced shop of antiques, jewelry and tankas (old and beautiful ones), or Mr. Nesepan, one of the most kown master in stone carving in India and who has masterpieces exposed in Japan, Germany , Italy, Burma and many other countries. But above all, mummy (see her in photo) who took care about my room, laundry, food and health all these days. Thanks to all and hope to see you again.

Picapiedra's village
Spent 4 days in Mamallapuran, a small and nice village standing by the blue waters of Bengal Gulf. The mean work of its people, since so many generation, is stone carving and tic, tic, tic, tic is the unique sound you listen throughout its alleys. squares and fields. There, in olds and familiar workshops and from stone big blocks, they create from minutes goddess to giant statues, forniture. plant pots, fountains, gates, portraits and all kind of things that you can admire in museums, temples or avenues all around the globe.

jueves, 28 de febrero de 2008
Welcome drawings
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